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Reader Input Challenge WINNER: Name the Hero’s Landscaping Firm

Picturesque image of fire pit and chairs on a lakefront property at dusk

Ooh, so many fun responses to the Reader Input Challenge: Name the Hero’s Landscaping Firm!


The Reader Input Challenge

I received dozens of suggestions for the name of the male main character’s landscaping firm. Thank you to all of you who shared your ideas on my blog post and in email. Your creativity was amazing!


The Suggestions

Many of the entries were puns, which I always love. The Lawn Ranger made me laugh (thanks Bobby K!) Better Nature is a fun play on words and a nod toward our hero’s firm being the best (thanks Dad! 😘.) But our main male character is more serious than I am, so we had to keep looking.


LandMark Environments was another fun one that suggested a landscape worth going out of your way to see (thanks Betsy C!) Custom Landscape Solutions said exactly what they did, appealing to our logical, straightforward hero (thanks Anonymous!)


The Winner(s)

But there was one entry that stated the kind of company it was (landscaping) and what they’re known for (building tranquil oases). That last part serves the story well, because it ties into a major source of tension in the story. That winning entry is…

Serenity Landscaping! Thank you, Sarah C! 🤗

This is the first time I’ve selected a second winner for the contest. This particular name wasn’t quite right for the firm, but it made me laugh so hard, I knew I had to find a place for it in the novel.

The suggestion?

Shirtless in Seattle. Thanks Colin M! 🤣 Clearly, you understand the appeal of a romance novel. I already have a scene in mind.


The Prizes

As always, the winning entries are going into the working draft of my manuscript. I hope they survive the editing process, because these ideas are fabulous. In addition, the winners of this Reader Input Challenge will receive an adorable pot, compressed soil and Forget-Me-Not seeds.


Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I am so grateful for your support and engagement.

Post Category:
Reader Input
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