About The Author
When I was little, I told anyone who would listen that when I grew up I'd be an "author, illustrator and go-go dancer." (I don't know where that last one came from.)
But then I went to work at Microsoft. Well, first I went to elementary school. Then a few more schools and then Microsoft, where I worked in marketing and business strategy, honing my sarcastic commentary. I left when my daughter was young (and training to be a go-go dancer, obviously) and shifted my attention to family stuff.
Then I had an epiphany. To be an author, I had to write a book. After that breakthrough, I wrote my first chapters. Horrifically bad chapters. Newly humbled (don't worry—it didn't take), I threw myself into learning how to write a romcom. Two years later, I was ready to write my novel.
I have always loved writing and laughing. (Romancing came a bit later.) I'm convinced that laughter is the best medicine for pretty much everything. It may not cure you, but it will make going through the bad stuff a whole lot more fun. So making people laugh is like being a doctor, but without the bad handwriting and fancy car.
I love romcom movies and novels. I love the sweet ones and the spicey ones. I love the meet cutes, the witty banter, the growls and the stuttering breaths. It never crossed my mind to write anything else. I guess I could try, but it would have to have a Happily Ever After. And sarcastic comments would definitely sneak in through the cracks. Oh, and hot singles would keep making out in the corners. But as long as we're all on the same page, I'll give that children's book a go.
If I'm not writing, I'm probably wiping off slobber from my two black labs, Chancellor and Loki. They're both incredibly sweet. Loki is also incredibly bad. (Yes, I know, that's Trainer error, not Dog error. Doesn't make him any less bad, though.)
I also try to play with my teenage daughter, but she is less enthusiastic when I walk in the door and less responsive to treats. She's incredibly sweet and…(see note about Loki above.)
I love spending time with friends and family, playing guitar and singing around the proverbial campfire. Oh, and I love reading romcoms.
The Upcoming Book
- Can you tell us about your upcoming novel?
- When will your book be published?
- Do you plan to self-publish?
Yes! It's a romantic comedy 🙂
I want to say more, but need to hold off for now. Too many moving parts. As soon as I can share some details, I'll send them through my newsletter and provide an update here.
There is a solid chance it will be this century. First, I have to finish writing it. I will provide updates as we get closer to the miracle of birth.
There are several ways to release a book into the world and each approach has different pros and cons, depending on your personal goals. My goals for writing a novel are to learn as much as possible, write the best book I can, and get it to the readers who will love it.
I can learn a lot from an experienced literary agent, so I'm looking into traditional publishing first. If I don't find an agent who is a great fit with me and my book, then I'll likely self-publish. I'll let you know how it goes!
The Writing Process
I love structure and planning. I start with a story idea and a vague grasp of my main characters.Â
Next, I identify my characters' goals and motivations and how they'll change over the course of the novel (their inner growth—the character arc.)
Finally, I outline the essential plot points. Situations that create conflict and growth, as well as scenes readers expect in a romantic comedy novel, like the Meet Cute and the Grand Gesture.
The outline helps keep me from shifting too far off course, writing about things that don't move the story forward. I will absolutely make changes along the way, but I want them to be thoughtful and deliberate, not the result of my ADHD brain wandering off on a meandering stroll.
I think it's important to try different methods and figure out what works for you. When I write every day, the scenes are fresh in my mind and it's easy to slip back into the minds of my characters and pick up where I left off.
When that's not possible, I reread the last couple scenes first. The longer I go without writing, the longer it takes to get that continuity and flow back again. So, I try to write every day, even if only for a short period of time.
The hardest part about writing is believing in the process. Everything changed for me when I decided not to self-edit as I wrote. Instead, I try to just write. If I need the name of a new character, I make a note of it. Unclear on a setting? Make a note. Need them to be playing a game I don't know the rules to? A note.Â
I often break this pact with myself, but every time I do, I lose the flow of the story. It works best for me to just get the ideas written and accept they will sound like a monkey pounding on a keyboard, imitating a toddler smacking a piano, pretending to be a panda in one of those TikTok videos where they fall all over themselves. And then, I start the second draft.
Engagement and Events
- How can readers stay updated on your latest news and releases?
- Do you have contests for readers?
- Can readers contact you directly?
The best way to stay in the know is to sign up for my newsletter. I will share all book updates there, as well as share more detail about my writing process and progress. I'll also post updates on my blog and through social media, including Instagram and Facebook.
Yes, I do! I hold Reader Input Challenges where I ask readers for input I might use in my book. Readers have shared some super creative and fun ideas, including the name of the local bar and pool hall, the type of plant that plays a starring role in several scenes, the name of the used bookstore and café, and the car our heroine drives. Check out the blog for future challenges and your chance to win prizes (and possibly see your idea featured in the novel!) I'll announce the contests through the newsletter and social media.
Absolutely! You can email me at [email protected], send a note through the Contact form on my website, or drop a comment on my blog or a social media post. I'd love to hear from you!
- How can readers stay updated on your latest news and releases?
- Do you have contests for readers?
- Can readers contact you directly?
The best way to stay in the know is to sign up for my newsletter. I will share all book updates there, as well as share more detail about my writing process and progress. I'll also post updates on my blog and through social media, including Instagram and Facebook.
Yes, I do! I hold Reader Input Challenges where I ask readers for ideas for things I might use in my book. Readers have shared some super creative and fun ideas, including the name of the local bar and pool hall, the type of plant that plays a starring role in several scenes, the name of the used book store and café, and the car our heroine Cassie drives. Check out the blog for future challenges and your chance to win prizes (and possibly see your idea featured in the novel!) I'll announce the contests through the newsletter and social media.
Absolutely! You can email me at [email protected], send me a note through the Contact form on my website, or drop a comment on my blog or a social media post. I'd love to hear from you!