From the Mouths of Literary Agents

Have you ever experienced something simultaneously extraordinary and excruciating? (Dark Romance readers, I’m talking to you!)

I’m going to pause here to mention that immediately after writing that, I dropped my Kim Clarke Books mug, sending the scalding hot cappuccino down my side, through my clothes, and deep into the cushions and crevices of my leather couch. That is an excellent example of something extraordinarily excruciating, which unfortunately, is not the same thing. Now back to my story…

My goal since the beginning of this writing journey has remained unchanged:

Learn as much as possible, write the best book I can, and get it to the readers who will love it.

Path to Publication

The first step in getting a book published: Write it. After that, refine and polish.

My plan was to finish my novel then send it to a Developmental Editor. A Developmental Editor focuses on the big picture. Things like structure, characters, conflict and pacing.

With that feedback, I’d work to improve the story before refining things at the sentence and word level.

Finally, shiny manuscript in hand, I’d look for a literary agent to represent me and my book with the goal of finding a publisher to publish it.

Simple, right?

New Writer Seeks Seasoned Literary Agent

My ideal agent would have experience successfully promoting romantic comedy novels. And they’d have to want me too. It’s not just that the book has to fit what they want to sell, but they have to believe the book has commercial appeal AND they have to be willing to read it.

So how does a new writer get a seasoned, over-worked agent to look at their manuscript? I have no idea.

But I got lucky.

Good Karma

We all have causes that are important to us. I stumbled on an online auction for a cause I’m passionate about. I was scrolling through the catalog when I noticed that an agent for a few of my favorite authors had offered up her time and expertise as one of the items. She’d read the first fifty pages of a manuscript, the synopsis and query letter, and provide a written critique.

I’m sorry, what? Can you repeat that for those of us in the back? This talented, accomplished literary agent, who does not accept unsolicited manuscripts, would read several chapters of my book and give me feedback? Are you kidding me?! It was an opportunity I couldn’t imagine getting any other way. And all I had to do was contribute to a cause that was close to my heart. Win freaking win.

The Extraordinary

Fast forward to about a week ago. I got an email from her. She said she was impressed. Impressed! She liked my writing style, dialogue, humor and voice. I immediately thought of Rudolph after Clarice bats those long, animated eyelashes at him. “She said I’m cuuuuuuuuuute!”

I was ecstatic. I spent two years learning to write a novel. I read, studied, and wrote. A lot. And this woman who has seen a lot of amazing manuscripts said she liked my writing. Insert Snoopy’s happy dance here. No, really. Right here.

The Excruciating

She loved my first chapter. She said things that made my ego grow larger than the Grinch’s heart on Christmas day. But wait. First chapter? I wrote sixty. Granted, she only read ten of them, but that was enough. Those other chapters? Meh.

She offered (incredibly) to discuss over Zoom how I could strengthen my manuscript. She, her literary assistant, and I talked for an hour. I scribbled pages of notes. Every piece of feedback she gave, I agreed with. Every. Single. One.

The catch? Fixing those issues would require a complete rewrite of the book I just spent over a year writing. Yeah. Owie.

The Verdict

I honestly have never felt that level of excitement and grief at the same time before. I love my story, my characters, my town, my scenes. I’ve lived and breathed this story for a solid year. I was nearly ready to send it to a developmental editor.

But then it occurred to me…this was my developmental edit. And there’s a lot I can improve.

I write because I love writing, not because I have a specific story I have to tell. My brain creates characters and scenes and dialogue constantly without my permission. This was just the version that made it to the page first. I learned an enormous amount writing it. I wouldn’t change that experience for anything.

I’ve had positive feedback on excerpts of my writing from other agents. But I’ve been following this agent for a while, and she knows this industry. And she’s read more of my manuscript than anyone else has. I’m not looking for an agent willing to sell my book. I’m looking for an agent who can help me make it great.

I haven’t mentioned this agent’s name or agency because I don’t know how she’d feel about that. She’s not my agent. She doesn’t even know if I can write a good romantic comedy yet. But she is helping me improve and that’s enough for me.

Next Steps

Many of you have been with me since I first announced I was writing a RomCom. I truly can’t adequately express how much I appreciate your support. It has meant everything to me. That’s why I wanted you to know what’s happening next.

I’m preparing to tackle Kim’s RomCom 2.0. This one will draw from my original manuscript where it makes sense, but much of it will be new. This should go a LOT faster. I’m not trying to learn everything along the way!

This is exactly what I set out to do. I’m learning, I’m writing, and I can’t wait for you to read it. I really, really hope you love it.

I promise to update you as soon as the dust settles and I have a solid plan for Kim’s RomCom 2.0. We’re really doing this, friends!


Post Category:
The Journey, Writing RomCom
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7 Responses

  1. Yay Kim!! 🙂 So happy to read about your awesome news…even better I got to see you this week too!! Xoxox

  2. Hi Kim,

    I think of this “rewrite” not as starting over, but as delving deeper. You’re an archaeologist brushing away dust to reveal the sparkling gem of your story.

    You had a stellar career in software – and as we used to say, it takes us three versions to get it somewhat right!

    It’s in the refining, the honing, the wrestling with words that your characters will find their true voices – they might have been waiting for the space (and time) to share their take. Some may be wanting you to give them more witty lines, differentiated & unique heartwarming moments, and the most swoon-worthy encounters!. This rewrite will breathe even more life into them making them unforgettable.

    All of us face doubts, those pesky inner critics who whisper negativity. But you, my friend, have many secret weapons: your passion, your depth / breadth of knowledge, the beginner mind, unparalleled determination, … (need more space but you get the point!). As Maya Angelou beautifully said, “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”

    Perhaps I am biased…Connection is my connective tissue of being – thinking / learning / doing / actualizing. I am confident that the power of connection(s) will be more pronounced in this version – touching hearts, making readers laugh and cry, and get clarity on what really matters as we go through the contours and detours of life…

    The world needs this story that emanates from your unique brand of humor and heart.

    You’ve got this! I can’t wait to read the sparkling, hilarious, and heartwarming masterpiece you create. (I would have been happy with version 1, but am even more excited to be on the v2 journey!)

    1. Thank you so much for this, Bobby. I’m sorry for my extremely late response. This was in limbo during my transition to the new website. I love your archaeologist analogy. I actually refer to every draft as another “layer” because it feels like each pass goes deeper into the story. I hadn’t made the connection to an archaeologist, but it fits perfectly!

      Thank you for the kind words about my software career. I hope you saved that org chart of the crazy years lol!!

      I’ve been reading the Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. Her thoughts align beautifully with yours. I should have just talked to you 😉

      Bobby, I truly appreciate all the support and insights you continue to provide throughout this journey. You remain a highly motivating spark and a wonderful connection. Thank you.

    1. 🤗Thank you. I might actually go ahead and finish the current one too just for myself and whomever wants to read it 🙂 It depends on how much of it I use in the new story. I’ll figure out something fun to do 😊

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