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  • Kim Clarke

Your First Clue to What My RomCom is About (or When Sunblock isn't Just Sunblock)

I mentioned (a few times) that I'm writing a romantic comedy. A RomCom, as we say in the biz. (We also say it out of the biz, because everyone enjoys a rhyming nickname.) But I haven’t told you anything about the story yet. I don’t want to get in the way of your future reading pleasure, but I’m too excited to keep it all to myself.

Some things I’ll tell you outright, but some things will come out through more subtle ways. One way I’ll do that is by giving out some free stuff (with my logo and website emblazoned on it, of course) that hints at something in the book.

A bottle of sunscreen and a clue about the RomCom

For example, if I were to send you a bottle of Kim Clarke Books sunblock you might guess that the novel takes place in the summer. Or at the equator. Or that the protagonist has really fair skin. Or they own a chain of gas stations, which sell sunblock beside the cash register, right next to the Twinkies. (I made that up right now. If you got a little giddy, anticipating a story that takes place in a gas station, with Twinkies, I apologize. I didn't mean to lead you on like that.)

Okay, so one clue might not tell you a lot, but it will point you in a certain direction. And the hints will keep coming. In the comments, you can guess what the clue reveals. (Unless of course, you already know. Mom. Then let others give it a try first.) Let’s see what you can figure out!

You might not have gotten any Kim Clarke Books sunblock, but you did get your first clue. One of the guesses listed above is correct. I already crushed the gas station fantasy, so you can focus on the remaining three. Are the summer nights full of summer lovin’, as the great Danny Zuko once claimed? Or are they all getting bored of the ho-hum perfect weather at the equator? Or does the main character suffer from excruciating sunburns? This is your chance to get your feet wet with a limited number of choices.

Tell me what you think below!

댓글 8개

2023년 10월 07일

So we have Sun, potential sunburn, leading us to a tropical beach, with Pina Colada’s, lots of Pina Colada’s, leading to possible inattention to skin care and the use of sunblock, leading us to a chance encounter with a handsome stranger who comments on our main character’s impending painful dermatological disaster, which has her resembling a lobster., leading to more Pina Coladas’s!

Kim Clarke
Kim Clarke
2023년 10월 09일
답글 상대:

It's amazing how much you could deduce from one bottle of sunblock. Clearly you're a Hawaiian Tropic aficianado ;-)


2023년 10월 07일

I just want the swag. 😂

Kim Clarke
Kim Clarke
2023년 10월 09일
답글 상대:

Of course you do. And swag you shall get! Once I order it...


2023년 10월 06일

Could “sun block” imply the darker world of intrigue ?

Kim Clarke
Kim Clarke
2023년 10월 06일
답글 상대:

Ooh I like that! Maybe even a Total Eclipse of the Heart :-) Nice!


2023년 10월 06일

Summer lovin' with excruciating sunburns? 😆

Kim Clarke
Kim Clarke
2023년 10월 06일
답글 상대:

That sounds painful. But still better than summer lovin' with excruciating sideburns!

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