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  • Kim Clarke

Reader Input Challenge: Name the Local Bar!

It's a new year, and we're heading to the bar! Well, the friends of Lakeside are, anyway.


What We Know So Far

In my post, Your First Clue, I revealed that the romantic comedy novel I'm writing takes place in the summer. In the post, First Reader Input, I introduced our heroine and one of you fabulous readers gave her a red Mini Cooper (thanks Margaret!) That car plays an important role in the Meet Cute of our Hero and Heroine.


Most of the story takes place in the town of Lakeside, Washington, not far from Seattle (your GPS might not find it, but it wouldn't find Brigadoon either, so how reliable is it, really?)


Setting the Scene

One of the early scenes takes place in a local bar. A popular spot to drop by after work for a beer and a game of pool. And don't forget the buffalo wings! Despite the crowds, you can usually find a table. Oh, and parking. You can always find parking. And there's never a line for the woman's bathroom. (Okay, now I've gone too far. Dammit Jim! This is a RomCom, not a fantasy novel!)


Now, here's where I need some Reader Input: what's the name of the bar? Wait! Before you decide, let's take a look around…

The Vibe

The venue has a mix of classic and modern décor, with ample seating options including comfortable booths and bar stools by the pool tables. The vibe is relaxed, casual and social. Lighting is a mix of warm, subdued overhead lights and neon signs, contributing to a cozy yet lively environment.


The Music

Audible but not overpowering, the background music is a mix of classic and contemporary hits (unless you happen to be there on Flashback Friday or Nashville Night. Break out those cowboy boots!)


The Drinks

The well-stocked bar hosts an array of spirits and craft beers. One of our new friends says they make a great Old Fashioned. If you're feeling adventurous but indecisive, you can't go wrong with the featured cocktail.

Bar tap pouring a beer


The Clientele

Our bar is a local favorite, where everyone (over 21) is welcome, and people come to unwind after work or gather with friends on weekends. The clientele, ranging from mid-20s to adults, is a diverse group who appreciate a good drink and a relaxed setting.


Overall, our bar strikes a balance between being a comfortable hangout spot and a lively social venue, making it popular among a broad age group. It's the kind of place where new friendships are formed over rounds of pool and drinks, in an unpretentious, welcoming environment.


Reader Input Challenge

And so I'll ask again… What's the name of the bar? Your idea could end up in my upcoming romantic comedy book!


Put your suggestion in the comments. If you're feeling bold, please add your first name or screen name. I like to know who these great ideas are coming from!


If your bar name is selected, I'd love to send you a small thank you gift and give you a shout out in my newsletter and on the website. 


READ FIRST: Legal Stuff

Please read the legalese before submitting your response.


Thank you for helping shape the story!

26 comentários

24 de jan.

"The Corner Pocket" to tie into the billiards theme; to me it also connotates a local / smaller hangout. if it happens to sit on a street corner (vs in the middle of a block), then it's a double tie in :)

Kim Clarke
Kim Clarke
18 de fev.
Respondendo a

That's it! The Corner Pocket. Perfect. Casual and fun. Highlights the pool tables. I've already updated the scene where one of the characters first says, "we're meeting at The Corner." And yes, it absolutely will be on the corner. I hope you like the whiskey stones heading your way :-) Thank you!


16 de jan.

Lakeside Pub

The Quill

Quill and Quiver

The Gray Mist

Rack and Rye

Writer’s Block

The Rooster Tail

Heads and Tales

M’s Den [wait for it]

Eric Rothenberg

Kim Clarke
Kim Clarke
17 de jan.
Respondendo a

HA! M's Den. Took me a few verbal readings. I think M's Ahsm would be great too. Even better if Ahsm was an actual word 😁.

These are all really good. Thanks Eric! Rack and Rye, Rack 'n Rye... hmmm....


15 de jan.

The Cove.

Kim Clarke
Kim Clarke
17 de jan.
Respondendo a

Cove makes me think cozy, which I like. It's a cool name!


15 de jan.

Gail here.

Ruby's. I don't know why but I like the name Ruby and she does drive a red car.

Kim Clarke
Kim Clarke
17 de jan.
Respondendo a

Because Lakeside is near Seattle (in my world, anyway), I tend to think of Emeralds. So I like the irony! 🙂


15 de jan.

For PNW vibes, I’m thinking something like Cascadia Tavern or DrizzleTown Pub. Betsy Cohen

Kim Clarke
Kim Clarke
17 de jan.
Respondendo a

Nice! I kinda' love DrizzleTown 😂

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